Database Testing Services

Harnessing Database Testing Services

For most modern software applications, the database forms the core of the architecture, and the proper functioning
of the database is essential for the software to perform as expected. Our test engineers have experience testing for
and identifying the various issues that can cause software solutions to not function properly. This includes thorough
database testing services to ensure data integrity, consistency, and reliability, pinpointing potential bottlenecks,
and validating the efficiency of database queries and transactions.

Database Testing Services

Benefits of Database Testing Services

  • Prevents data loss
  • Ensures data integrity and accuracy
  • Improves database efficiency
  • Avoids issues during data mapping

Types of Database Testing Services

Database testing services help verify that data is retrieved exactly as it was stored and that user updates to
components occur without data loss. It also ensures that incomplete or aborted operation data isn’t saved,
which further increases the database reliability and prevents costly downtime.

Structural Database Testing

Structural Database Testing

Ensures the verification of all elements and components of the database used for storing data. These elements are not visible or modifiable by users and contribute to maintaining data integrity and accuracy.

Function Testing

Function Testing

Ensures the database functions correctly from the users’ perspective. It involves both white box and black box testing to verify that user transactions align with business specifications.

Non-Functional Testing

Non-Functional Testing

Involves conducting load testing, stress testing, verifying minimum system requirements to meet business specifications, identifying risks, and optimizing the database’s performance.

Data Testing Services

Focuses on backend components hidden from regular users. Data testing services involve examining elements such as
SQL, MySQL, Server, Assembly, and others to assess the application or software’s integrity and consistency.

Data Migration Testing

Data Migration Testing

When data is migrated from one system or platform to another, this testing ensures that data is transferred accurately, completely, and without loss or corruption.

Data Integrity Testing

Data Integrity Testing

Data integrity testing involves verifying data accuracy, reliability, and consistency, ensuring it remains unchanged across operations like data input, processing, storage, and retrieval.

Big Data Testing

Big Data Testing

Traditional storage systems struggle with huge amount of data. Big data testing scrutinizes and validate the functionalities of big data applications. Strategies encompass batch, real-time, and interactive data processing test.

ETL Testing

ETL Testing

Focuses on testing the data extraction, transformation, and loading processes to ensure that data is extracted correctly from source systems, transformed accurately according to business rules, and loaded into the target systems without errors.

Data Warehouse Testing

Data Warehouse Testing

Data warehouses are repositories that store large volumes of data for analysis and reporting. Testing involves validating data consistency, integrity, and accuracy within the data warehouse.

Database Testing Tools

  • No SQL
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • Azure Data Factory
  • DB Unit
  • Sqlmop
  • DB Fit
  • Hammer DB
  • Orion
  • Selenium
  • Slob
  • Selite